301 Leisure Ln, Friendswood, TX 77546 (281-482-0577)

KATIE mckowen


Since October 2023, Katie has been filling the role of Worship Team Leader temporarily while the search continues for a permanent WTL.  She has sung in choirs since age 9 and has participated in worship team as a vocalist and keyboard player off and on for about 13 years.  Katie graduated with a BS Engineering Physics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1995 and began working at the NASA Johnson Space Center shortly thereafter in the International Space Station Program.  She has been a member of Trinity since 1996, and her husband Rick joined her there after they were married in 2003.  Katie resigned from her NASA employment in 2005 to focus on family life, and she and Rick adopted a son and daughter, Kenneth and Elizabeth in 2015. Katie now works part time as a personal trainer at Wellness Elite Fitness in Friendswood, and she enjoys strength training and powerlifting.